- When the Love symbol came to me a couple nights ago at 3 AM, I had to go into the studio and paint it. I knew it was clever and something that was surly from the greater intelligence. But I had no Idea that in the next couple days I'd be obsessed with breaking it down, drawing it over and over and trying to figure out the secrets behind it. I mean it's such a simple form. Yet it has infinite potential that I'll be exploring soon. As I started seeing universal and mathematical symbols in the form I knew I had to ask my friends if what I was seeing was right. So I asked my mathematically inclined friends (Graduates in Math and so on) if they were seeing what I was seeing - and sure enough, yes. The number 1 representing Unity, The Omega symbol representing The Big "O", the end all, The Radical symbol that has many deep "roots" and last but not least the Equivalence symbol. This is just the beginning of my exploration in this form I call LOVE = SERVICE, but I'd love your perspective. What do you see? What are the deeper meanings of all these symbols coming together to form the word LOVE? OR AM I just a silly artist having way too much fun doodling all day and starting to see things?